2014 Kansas City Stock Market Trading Symposium: Tips For New Traders

The 2014 Kansas City Stock Market Trading Symposium was a one-day event that I decided to attend on a whim when I was in the state. During the first half of the day, the guests managed to meet and listen to the speech of successful brokers and traders. Afterward, they opened the floor to the audience members with trading questions in mind, particularly to those who wanted to enter the stock market but are unsure of how it works.

Although this conference happened a few years ago, you should not worry if you are facing the same issue now. These are the pro tips for novice traders that we learned from the symposium:

Source: unsplash.com
  1. Know What Commodities To Trade

The first thing you need to do is ponder about the tradeable items you should get your hands on right now. It may be crops or livestock. It can also be precious metals or various sources of energy. All of them have great value in the market, but the deciding factor is how fast you’ll be able to buy or sell such goods.

  1. Beware Of Non-Tradeables

You ought to understand as well that not every single commodity can be traded in the stock market. There are non-tradeable items that are either too rare or too common that almost nobody wants to invest in them. Some of these goods include diamond, water, corn, and tomatoes. You may purchase them still, yet liquidating them may not be a piece of cake.

Source: pexels.com
  1. Think Of Futures

Futures are agreements that two or more investors sign to ensure that the buyer can obtain specific commodities at a set price in the future. Its benefit to the seller is that he or she can also guarantee that money will keep on rolling regardless of the economic situation. If you are new to trading, you should know that you can strike similar deals too.

There is undoubtedly more to know about the stock market, but the ideas above are enough to inform you of the basics. If you wish to understand this field further, feel free to read other blogs here. Good luck!


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